Hello and Welcome

Hi, I’m Deb Johnson, I live in Penryn in Cornwall with my husband, we used to have cats but they lived their lives out and are no more. Just two small, beautiful wooden pots on a shelf, each made with a bit of love from spalted beech and containing ashes, crystal remembrance of the furry beasts who gave us so much pleasure and pain. Dear of them.

I’ve been unwell, we are not happy in our home, there is war and plague around; ah well, life goes on.

This is drivel. I write drivel. It’s a bit therapeutic.


  1. I love your humour, you crack me up.
    “I live in Cornwall and don’t blog much”…too busy making fabulous cakes aren’t you?!
    Love and hugs. xx πŸ™‚

    1. Today made wheat-free almong with Apricot and Cardamom, yes it is fabulous! XX

  2. πŸ™‚ hee hee This made me laugh.

    1. Thank you Angel, I hope you like my ramblings from the Aspiesphere!

  3. Woo hoo!! Great to see you on here, looking forward to reading πŸ˜€

    1. Thanks Becky, I hope it’s clear that my blog posts appear on the ‘Views from the Aspiesphere’ page! I haven’t really got the hang of WordPress yet. πŸ™‚

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